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Reception/Year 1

Welcome to Reception/Year 1 Willow. We are a mixed phase class based in our Reception classroom provision. We provide the building blocks for our children's future learning - we want the children to be happy, confident, resilient learners who are ready for their next challenge. 


The Reception Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum consists of the seven areas of learning:


These three areas are known as the prime areas:

  • Communication and Language 

  • Physical Development 

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development 


These prime areas are supported, strengthened and applied by four specific areas:

  • Literacy 

  • Mathematics 

  • Understanding of the World 

  • Expressive Arts and Design 


Year 1 Curriculum

We teach the National Curriculum using themes based on Discovery. 


We deliver these curriculums simultaneously through a practical, playful approach to learning, based on the needs and interests of our children. We teach children individually, in small groups and as a whole class. Through a combination of teacher led activities and continuous provision opportunities, we encourage children to develop their learning independently through exploration and challenge. 

All of the learning experiences we plan for the children, allow them to utilise and develop their skills. Our learning environments, both inside and outside are; stimulating, exciting and relevant to the needs and age/stage of our children. 


What the Reception/Year 1 year will look like…



Can we discover what school life was like in the past?

During this topic your child will learn to make comparisons between the past and the present, focussing on school life. They will be introduced to the concept of timelines and be able to recognise changes over time. Your child will also be introduced to compass directions and look at the land use around school.


Can we discover why castles were built?

During this topic your child will learn about the importance of castles in the past and key features of a range of castles. They will also learn about William the Conqueror as a famous person from the past. 



Can we discover if it is possible to go to the moon?

During this topic your child will learn all about the moon landing along with famous

astronauts including Neil Armstrong and Tim Peake. We will also look at how the moon landings were made possible by famous Mathematicians including Katherine Johnson. 



Can we discover what life is like at the seaside?

During this topic your child will learn key human and physical features of an area.

They will be looking at the location of a seaside on a map and will compare our

local area to a seaside town.


Physical Education

Please send your child into school at the start of the term with a PE kit. Throughout the year we will be covering skills in Dance ( themes: zoo, growing and heroes), Gymnastics, Games, Team Building and Health and Wellbeing. If your child has their ears pierced please send in some tape/plasters so that your child can cover their piercing for their PE lesson. Reception/Year 1 Willow will have PE on a Tuesday and Friday. 



Throughout the year your child will be introduced to a range of different artists and art from other cultures including Kandinsky, Aboriginal Art and Andy Goldsworthy. The children will develop a range of skills in drawing, painting, collage, sculpture and printing. They will be given opportunities to experiment in their own sketchbook and develop their ideas and creativity within the continuous provision. 



In Science, your child will cover a range of topics including Materials, Animals including Humans and Living Things. They will be introduced to a range of scientific vocabulary and learn the skills to work scientifically. Your child will be provided with opportunities to consolidate their newly learned skills in our Indoor and Outdoor continuous provision. 


​Religious Education

In RE your child will learn about religions and celebrations. They will be given opportunities to learn about, and explore, religious books 



In RSHE lessons we cover Friendships, Families, Relationships, Being Safe and Physical and Mental Wellbeing. Your child will learn to understand how important it is to keep our mind and body healthy. They will also recognise the importance of respecting others even if they are different from themselves, linking with our school motto “All different, All equal”. 



Throughout the year, your child will learn about staying safe online and develop a range of skills with using technology including logging on, accessing documents, navigating around a computer screen and typing



In Music your child will listen to a range of songs and be introduced to a range of musical vocabulary including pulse, rhythm and pitch. They will develop their performance and listening skills and be given opportunities to compose their own music using a range of instruments.



Reception/Year 1 will be given homework each Friday in a Homework book. Please complete the tasks with your child at home and return the homework book to your child’s teacher by the following week. The homework will be a mixture of Maths and English/Phonics work and will consolidate the work from the previous week in school.


Reading Records

Reading Records will be sent home every night. Please sign them when you have heard your child read. It is lovely to see what they have been reading at home.

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