Year 2
In Year 2 the children get to cover a whole range of exciting topics.
In English we will be developing our sentence structure, children’s vocabulary and reading skills. Each sequence of lessons will be based around our exciting class books such as ‘The Barnabus project’ ‘Cockadoodle-doo Mr Sultana’ and ‘Marv and the Mega Robot’ to name a few. We will also be looking at a range of poems and non-fiction texts throughout the year.
In maths we will be building on the children's understanding of numbers, especially of numbers up to 100. We will consolidate number bonds and secure mental methods to ensure quick recall and application to a range of contexts. We will look at addition and subtraction methods using a range of concrete and pictorial representation which we will then apply to money. Finally, we will look at multiplication and division working on counting in twos, threes fives and tens.
In Science we look at Living things and their habitats, Materials, Animals including humans and Plants. We will be looking at a range of inspirational Scientists linked to these topics. Our science lessons are fun and practical and we like to take the learning outside wherever possible.
Our topics this year will allow the children to look at how their local area has changed over time and how that has impacted us. We then go further afield and look at the UK and look at whether the UK could be the perfect holiday destination. We also look at the impact of significant women from the past, like Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole comparing them to inspirational people from today.
In D.T we will be covering Mechanisms, Cooking and Nutrition and Textiles through a range of exciting and practical activities.
In RE we will look at Christianity and how the Bible is important to Christians around the world. We will also look at the story of St Cuthbert and enjoy celebrations at Christmas.
We will be using a range of computing skills ranging from online safety to learning how to store files safely. We will also be looking at photography in these lessons.
In music we will look at different notations and learn about how changes in music can affect the listening experience.
In Art we learn about inspirational artists including Vincent Van Gogh, Alan Reed and Picasso. We cover a range of art skills including sculpture, collage, drawing and painting.
In PE children will be learning about basic skill of movement and applying these to team games. They will also be taking part in gymnastics learning about sequences and different movements.