Year 4
Welcome to Year 4. In Year 4, we cover lots of exciting topics that we are sure you will enjoy.
English and Guided Reading will be taught each term through a novel. These may include: How to Train your Dragon, Who Let the Gods Out and Podkin One Ear. Non-fiction texts and poetry will accompany the class novels and will be used throughout the term. We will also read a huge variety of lovely picture books, novels, non-fiction and poetry in our daily DEAR sessions
In maths we will explore numbers up to 10,000 as well as using the written methods for all four calculation types. For the first time, we will be using decimals and identifying them as fractions. We will also consolidate telling the time using digital and analogue clocks. In the summer term, we will be taking part in our multiplication check which means we will be practising our times tables throughout the year.
There are so many exciting topics we cover in Science this year. During the year, we will learn about living things, animals, states of matter, sound and electricity.
In autumn term you will ask the question: ‘How did England change under the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings?’ You will learn all about these interesting groups and find out where they came from, why they came and how they lived. ​In the summer term, you will explore the fascinating world of the Ancient Egyptians and find out ‘How were beliefs about life and death different in Ancient Egypt?’
In spring, the children will be looking at the question ‘What makes a city great?’ Throughout this topic, we will be comparing Durham and Paris to identify similarities and differences. We will conduct environmental research and explore maps.
In autumn we look at parables and stories from The Bible as its importance to Christians. We then link this in the spring term to determine what do Christians believe about Jesus. Finally, in the summer term, we discuss and discover how religious people show care for others.
Throughout the year, we will explore a range of styles of music and have the opportunity to compose and perform our own pieces of music.
This year the children will cover a number of topics including: my home, my class and animals.
ArtIn autumn term we will look at the work of Alberto Giacometti. In the spring, we will focus on Claude Monet and in summer term we will look at the interesting work of local artist, Fiona Gray.
This year DT we have lots of fun designing and making things including: slingshot cars, pavilions, timers, circuits and delicious food.
Over the course of the year, children will be given the opportunity to enhance their skills in games, gymnastics, dance, outdoor and adventurous activities and swimming. We will also look at inspirational sports people throughout the year.